Best Android apps for:
Nuovo dizionario dei sinonimi della lingua italiana

This page is a list of the best Android apps for the keyword "Nuovo Dizionario dei Sinonimi della Lingua Italiana". Many people use their smartphones for a variety of purposes, and looking up words in the Italian language is one of them. Fortunately, there are many high quality apps available on the Android platform that can help you find the right word. From full dictionaries to those that focus exclusively on synonyms, here are our picks for the best Android apps for the keyword "Nuovo Dizionario dei Sinonimi della Lingua Italiana".

Before leaving a bad rating please read the description, watch the video and/or contact me. I'll attend to your queries ASAP TEXT AIDE provides you some useful utilities DEFINEThis feature shows you a swift little pop-up with the definition of...

L'obiettivo del gioco è "costruire" parole che coincidano con una definizione data, allo stile dei suggerimenti di un cruciverba.In questo modo potrai creare catene di parole, dal momento che ogni parola nuova che...

ilRagazzini app contains the full text of the Ragazzini 2017 English - Italian Italian - English Dictionary published by Zanichelli, with headword, phraseology, full text and inflected form search features. It is possible to insert notes,...

With this application you can improve and expand your dictionary for free !Every day the app will suggest you a new word with its explanation So you will be able to impress your friends and family with your new dictionary. Come on, what are you...

Mobile plWordNet is used to browse Polish Wordnet and Princeton Wordnet. It provides Thesaurus, description of the semantic relations between words, definitions of meaning. It is a part of Słowosieć project. Application allows searching words and...

Oh no! Capt’n Hippocampus is going on account and he’ll give no quarter! Unfortunately, he’s missing a few thing: a ship and a crew, for instance! But there’s a solution: he can take his raft to the letter islands and recover the word...

We want to create the fastest, the most accurate and the most comfortable touchscreen keyboard in the World.Why KeybeeIn 1863 Christopher Sholes wanted to fix the jams on typewriters. For this reason he moved to the opposite the most frequent...

Includes: English, German, French, Spanish, Hindi, Chinese, Russian, Indonesian, Italian, Turkish, Polish, Danish, Swedish, Bulgarian, Catalan, Georgian, Slovak, Czech, Hungarian, Greek Oh no! Captain Hippocampus is going on account and he’ll give...

Are you trying to learn a foreign language? This app will help you study vocabulary, by compiling a list of words and phrases, then testing yourself until you have learned them. Please read the description below, as it contains information about...